Principal's Corner

Ms. JaaDaa S Holcombe

Ms.  JaaDaa  S  Holcombe - Principal

Message from the Principal


Dear Students and Parents,

Welcome to Whitley Elementary School for the 2020-2021 school year.  We would like to extend a special welcome to our new students and we are excited that you have the opportunity to become part of our family and community.  We are excited about the wonderful learning that is taking place in our school building and remotely this year.  With this new way of learning, we will all have to use patience and flexibility to make this year successful.


At Whitley Elementary, we believe that all students are capable of learning at high levels and meeting the academic and social standards.  Our focus will be on providing each child with new challenges that will result in a rewarding school experience.  Academic emphasis on the core content areas of reading, math, language arts, science, and social studies will remain a priority.  Our faculty and staff will work diligently to ensure that your child’s academic needs are met as they work to reach local and state standards.


Educational success for all students cannot be complete without an effective partnership with all parents.  We invite you to become our partners in the education of your child.  Please visit the school often and become involved.


The purpose of this handbook is to provide basic information about our program, policies, and procedures.  We believe it is important for all students to accept responsibility for their actions.  Therefore, we are asking students and parents to read the handbook carefully and follow all rules and procedures.  You may also visit our school website for more up to date information.


We appreciate all that you do to make Whitley Elementary a great school.
